The PTO Board is a group of dedicated volunteers and Raleigh Park parents who commit to two-year terms and work together to fulfill the PTO Mission.
Together in partnership with the Raleigh Park Elementary administration, we are building a rigorous learning environment that values inquiry, equity, diversity, action, and reflection.
Our Board Members
Jade Gonzales
Jade is serving as the PTO president after spearheading the PTO’s communications efforts for the past two years.
In her professional life, Jade runs a solo design practice where she builds creative teams to work on strategic brand refreshes and website design and development. She’s proud to work with local companies and non-profits nationwide.
Jade is a native Oregon and a Hilhi and Oregon Duck alum. This year, she and her husband Eric are happy to have their daughters Zara (5th Grade) and Lela (2nd) at Raleigh Park.
Tom Spooner
Erin Baker
Brenda Ramsay
Teddy Black
Amber Stater
Connie Kong
Liz Terzo
Lindsey Gibson
Lindsey is excited to join the board as co-volunteer coordinator. She and her husband, Kyle have First Grade twins Calvin and Jacqueline and a 4-year-old, Riley. Lindsey has also made her career over the last 15 years as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She is looking forward to continuing to grow her involvement and build relationships in the Raleigh Park community (especially with Riley joining Raleigh Park as a Kindergartener, starting in 2024).
Kavin Buck
Kavin is a former college Vice President, arts educator and an artist with over 30 years of exhibition experience. He and his wife, Laura, have two children… Isabella who attended Raleigh Park k-5 and Alden who is currently in 3rd grade.
You’ll often find Kavin on the grass outside of drop off and pick up. Stop and say hi! 👋
The Raleigh Park PTO strives to:
Promote the welfare of our children and youth in the home, school, and community;
Bring into closer relationship the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate harmoniously in the training of the child; and
Develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will maximize every child’s physical development, academic achievement and social adjustment.
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