Our Programs focus on Building Community, Fundraising, and Supporting Students
We’re always looking for ideas, help, and volunteers.
Here is an incomplete list of the PTO plans for the 2023-24 School Year:
Building Community
Welcome Back Celebration
Join other Raleigh Park Families, Teachers, and Staff at Raleigh Park for food and fun to kick off the new school year.
Almost Overnight
This year we’re reimagining the Almost Overnight as a school-wide event open to all students.
Return of the Carnival
We’re excited to bring this old tradition back in a new way. We’re looking for creative ways to celebrate our community and have fun doing it. There will be food, games, fun, and more!
School Roster
A directory of students’ contact information is compiled each fall. We post it (password-protected) on our PTO website to help families facilitate those play dates, carpooling, and birthday party invitations. You can also opt out of some or all of the roster using the form on the roster page.
5th Grade Celebration
Graduation is a special time for our students with unique traditions at RP. Each student makes a self-portrait tile that you see in our hallways throughout our school. On the last day of school, all students line the halls and “clap out” the graduating class. Parents greet the kids outside, and of course, there is a celebration.
PTO Meetings
In addition to discussing events and activities the PTO is spearheading, we’ll hear from the principal, teachers from each grade level, and guest speakers on special topics.
April 26th, 2024
The Jog-A-Thon is a great opportunity for students to challenge themselves to run as many laps as possible to raise money for our school. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year. The dollars raised are what makes our other programming possible. We have business sponsorships in addition to the traditional student pledges. Get in touch with fundraising@raleighparkpto.org for more information and to see your business name on the back of our students’ t-shirts!
Parent Party and Giving Tuesday
We had so much fun at the Parent Party last year, we’re doing it again this year. This evolution of our Spring Auction now happens in the fall to coincide with Giving Tuesday. This is a fun time for parents to socialize while raising money for our school. Past auction items have included migrating house parties, cooking classes in homes, hosted kid experiences (i.e., art workshops), and a weekend at a vacation home, in addition to the more traditional auction items like wine baskets and special classroom projects.
If your employer matches (or triples!) your non-profit donations on Giving Tuesday, this is the perfect time to donate to support our school. Giving Tuesday falls on November 28th this year. Nike, Intel, Columbia, NW Natural, Starbucks, and other employers will match your donation. Sometimes there are specific guidelines to get the match. Check with your HR department or reach out to fundraising@raleighparkpto.org with questions. We have an incomplete list of employers that match funds.
Restaurant Nights
From time-to-time we have Restaurant Night fundraisers where a percentage of the purchases are donated to Raleigh Park PTO. Our favorite last year was at Raleigh Hills McMennimans. We hope to do that again this year!
Supporting Students + Teachers
Art Lit
Volunteers are equipped with a lesson plan and PPT developed by the BSD and a kit of art supplies to lead students through a short presentation followed by an artist-inspired project. This year we have a really fun set of artists to learn about — including Mary Cassatt, Mexican Folk Art, and Yayoi Kusama! It’s nice to have a couple of volunteers per class — you don’t have to be a presenter to participate!
Classroom Volunteering
As amazing as Raleigh Park teachers are, classroom volunteers make a big difference! Parent volunteers can join the class once or on a regular schedule. A long commitment is not required.
Biztown for 5th Grade
The PTO funds busing and fees for BizTown for the 5th graders. What is BizTown? The JA BizTown creates an unmatched experience where 4th through 6th grade students are able to interact within a simulated economy and take on the challenge of managing organizations. Here, students not only discover the intricacies of jobs and being members of the community, but also discover the abundance of opportunities available within their cities. View the Program Brief for more information about our current online JA BizTown self-guided curriculum.
Garden Club
The garden is a special place at Raleigh Park and is maintained by volunteers. Located on the south side of our school, the 100% organic Raleigh Park Garden includes fruit trees, planting beds, a composting area, and an amphitheater for classes to use. It’s a natural environment for students to learn about science, nutrition, and more. The garden committee is looking for parents to help teach lessons (i.e., pollinators) to classes and some help maintaining the garden with regular weeding and on garden workdays. Contact Becky Pio at rebecca.lynn1982@gmail.com if you're interested in volunteering!
Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB)
OBOB is a statewide voluntary reading program. At RP, 3rd - 5th graders are invited to create a team and “battle” other teams where they are challenged with questions about this year’s books. Students compete at Raleigh Park, and the winner is invited to compete in a regional competition. Students have a lot of fun! OBOB’s mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, broaden reading interests, increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students. The PTO helps coordinate the battle at RP, registers our participation in the statewide program, and ensures we have enough copies of this year’s books on hand. Pro tip: this year’s reading list is out!
Classroom and Grade-Level Funds
Each teacher and Grade Level gets substantial discretionary funds that they can use for anything that will benefit their students. These can be used for anything from classroom supplies to special projects, classroom parties, and field trips. This year we are providing discretionary funds to each grade level, each specials classroom, and our SRC and Counseling classrooms. Because of these funds, traditionally, RP students do not have to pay a fee to go on a field trip.
Hospitality Committee
Several times throughout the year, we coordinate efforts to appreciate our school’s teachers and administrators to show our appreciation. Our hospitality committee makes it all happen!
Project BACK and Project SNACK
These programs put healthy food in the bellies of our students. Project Backpack Assistance and Care for our Kids (BACK) is a free service providing food for families to take home over the weekend and holidays. Each week backpacks are filled with nutritious, kid-friendly, easy-to-prepare food and are discretely distributed to students. Project SNACK provides healthy SNACKS to any student who needs one in the classroom.
Scholastic Book Fair
We host a scholastic book fair before Winter Break. We hope the hot cocoa and story time with Mrs Lowe will happen again this year! We make sure that even kids who cannot purchase a book go home with a new book from the fair.
Educational Guest Speakers
We host guest speakers from time to time on subjects such as screen time, reading tips, middle school options, social/emotional wellness, and more. These speakers usually coincide with a PTO meeting.
Tiger Den
The Tiger Den is a place at RP where students can get items they need like clothing, personal hygiene products, sportswear and equipment, houseware, and bedding. We need help spearheading some organizing and donation drives! If you’d like to shop the Tiger Den, contact Ana Lasich at ana_lasich@beaverton.k12.or.us.
Spring Play
Students who would like to participate in the play audition, practice, and perform a play for a live audience in the cafeteria all in one week! The PTO works with Missoula Children’s Theater and coordinates the RP side to make it happen.
Bottle Drop for RP
RP participates in the Bottle Drop Give program! We will put our blue bags in the front office, and you simply fill them with your redeemable containers and bring it to a bottle drop location. Traditionally these fund the 5th grade celebration activities.
Field Day
This is a day in the Spring when students participate in fun games and activities taught during PE classes. The focus of Field Day is to have fun! There are many activity stations; this is one event where parent volunteers are essential for Field Day to happen!
Walk and Roll to School Day
Twice a year, we participate in Walk and Roll to School day, when we encourage students to move their bodies on their way to school however they can. They can also participate by walking the track during lunch if they cannot walk or roll in the morning. We can take advantage of district-provided prizes and more if we have volunteer support.
Our online store is now open year-round to stock up on Raleigh Park Elementary-branded gear, with the proceeds supporting our school. These are not your boring t-shirts — you’ll find camo hoodies, socks, beanies, trucker hats, and more.
These programs happen because of volunteers.
RP Parents usually log over 3,500 hours a year! Together, we support teachers in the classroom, run fundraisers, organize programs, and support activities and learning at Raleigh Park! Every volunteer big and small makes an impact in our RP community!