PTO Meetings + Important Dates

Every parent is a member of our Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO board meets 6 times during the school year. We host speakers, hear an update from Principal Aki, connect with our community, and discuss how to prioritize supporting our school with time and funding. This year, we are trying out new meeting times. Let us know how this new time works for you and your family! Our meetings happen at Raleigh Park Elementary in the library unless otherwise noted.

Our first meeting was held on Tuesday, September 20th @ 6:00 PM during the Welcome Back Celebration

Thursday, December 12 // 6:15 - 6:45 PM

Thursday, January 9th // 6:15 - 6:45 PM

Thursday, February 13th // 6:15 - 6:45 PM

Thursday, March 13th // 6:15 - 6:45 PM

Thursday, April 10th // 6:15 - 6:45 PM

Thursday, May 15th // 6:15 - 6:45 PM

View past meeting minutes

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Other important PTO and Raleigh Park dates for 2024-25

Looking for the Raleigh Park School Calendar?

Winter Events and Dates:  

December 3: Picture Re-Take Day

December 6: PK-1st Only: Author Assembly: Vera Ahiyya, 9:00 am

December 9: Staff Dev. Workday - No Students

December 13: BSD Option School Lottery Closes, 3:00 pm

December 16-20: Spirit Week 

  • December 16: School Colors

  • December 17: Socks/Scarg

  • December 18: Dress Your Best

  • December 19: Holiday Sweater

  • December 20: Pajama/Flannel

December 20: Winter Sing-A-Long Assembly, 8:00-8:30 am

December 23 - January 3: Winter Break

January 8: Art Lit Training, 8:05-9:05am

January 17: School Closed, Staff Dev. Workday - No Students

January 20: School Closed, MLK Jr. Holiday

January 23: Kids Heart Assemblies: 3rd-5th 10:20am, K-2nd 11:45am

January 27: Grading Day - No Students

January 31: PTO Disco Night, 6-8pm (Tentative)

February 12: Art Lit Training, 8:05-9:05am

February 3-7: National School Counseling Week

February 3-7: Missoula Children’s Theatre Week (Hercules)

February 3: Missoula Theatre: Audition 2:30- 6:45pm

February 5: Rapunzel Assembly, 8:15-9:00am, Global School Play Day

February 8: School Play Performance (Hercules)
Performances at 3PM and 5:30

February 17, 18: Schools Closed, Staff Dev. Workday - No Students

March 3-7: Classified Appreciation Week

March 3-7: National School Social Worker Week

March 6: Whitford 5th Grade Night, 6:00-8:00pm

March 14: Author Assembly: 3rd-5th, Aron Steinke

March 14: OBOB Celebration @Cafeteria, 1:45pm

Spring Events and Dates:  

March 24-28: No School, Spring Break

April 2: Art Lit Training, 8:05-9:05am

April 7: No School, Grading Day

April 14: No School, Staff Dev

April 18: Jog-A-Thon Assembly, 8:00-8:30 am

April 21-24: Spirit Week

  • April 21: Class Colors

  • April 22: Sports Shirt or Jersey

  • April 23: Wacky Hat or Hair   

  • April 24: Pajama Day

April 21-25: Volunteer Appreciation Week

April 22: Volunteer Appreciation Brunch @Cafeteria

April 22: Bus Driver Appreciation Day

April 23: Secretary Appreciation Day

April 25: Jog-A-Thon

April 30 -May 1: Spring Conference Days

May 2: No School: Comp Day for Staff

May 5-9: Staff Appreciation Week (at Raleigh Park)

May 7: Art Lit Training,8:05-9:05 am

May 14: Kinder Orientation, 6:00 - 7:00 pm

May 16: Career Day (TBD)

May 16: School Assembly, Jog-A-Thon Celebration (Tentative)

May 21: Pre-K Orientation, 5:00 - 6:00 pm

May 26: No School

June 5: School Assembly, 5th Grade Musical, 1:25-2:10 pm

June 5: 5th Grade Musical w/ Ms. Risser, 6:00 pm

June 6: Field Day. K - 2nd, 8:15 - 10:45 am // 3rd - 5th, 11:30 - 2:00 pm

June 10: 5th Grade Recognition Assembly, 7:45-8:15 am

June 10: End-of-Year Clap-Out, Dismissal