The Tiger Disco Dance Party is on Friday January 27th!


This event will be in the Raleigh Park Cafeteria and is free and open to all current Raleigh Park Students!

🐾 A parent must accompany students.

🐾 There will be hot dogs and glow in the dark gear for sale (cash only!)

🐾 Funds raised will help fund this year’s 5th grade gift.

🐾 Bring a donation of NEW full-size personal hygiene products for the Raleigh Park Tiger Den are appreciated (toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, etc)

This event is planned by the 5th grade and proceeds will go towards the gift the 5th graders leave for Raleigh Park!


Chipotle Restaurant Night January 21st 5-9PM


The Scholastic Book Fair is Here!