Concieved and written by Don Kukla
Music and Lyrics by Michael McGill and Don Kukla
Rumpelstiltskin is rescheduled due to director illness.
Monday May 8th
Open audition 2:45-4:45 in the gym (50-60 students will be cast for parts), then rehearsal 5:00-7:00
Tuesday May 9th - Friday May 12th
Rehearsals are 2:45-4:45 and 5:00 – 7:00 pm in the Raleigh Park gym and cafeteria
Saturday May 13th @ 3PM or 5:30PM
The performance will be in the Raleigh Park cafeteria
We need volunteers to help run rehearsals!
Log into Better Impact to check open volunteer slots or contact May or Gabby at to help make the play happen for our kids!