Hansel and Gretel will be perfomed on Saturday May 14th at 3PM and 5:30PM in the Raleigh Park Elementary Cafeteria.


Due to rising Covid-19 numbers and close quarters masks are recommended but not required.

Monday May 9th

Open audition 3-5:00 in the gym (50-60 students will be cast for parts), then rehearsal 5:15-7:15

Tuesday May 10th - Friday May 13th

Rehearsals are 3-5:00 and 5:15 – 7:15 pm in the Raleigh Park gym and cafeteria

Saturday May 14th @ 3PM or 5:30PM

The performance will be in the Raleigh Park cafeteria

 We need your help!

Can you host a staff member for the upcoming Hansel and Gretel Play?

We need to secure 2 private rooms to host the MCT staff. Contact Carmen Jones (jones.carmen.m@gmail.com) if you can help out!

We need volunteers to help run rehersals!

Contact May or Gabby at volunteer@raleighparkpto.org to help make the play happen for our kids!