News from the Raleigh Park PTO
Sunday January 12th @ 3PM
Valley Community Presbyterian Church
8060 SW Brentwood St
Starting in January, the district will host several community conversations in collaboration with BRIC to hear directly from BSD students, families, staff and community members. The purpose is to determine the values and priorities that will guide the district’s long-range planning. These sessions are meant to be a dialogue — a short presentation followed by an opportunity to hear from attendees through a series of guided questions. By hearing your stories, perspectives and ideas, we can make sure that our long-range plan reflects the needs and dreams of our diverse community.
Aloha High School - Thursday, January 9, 6:30 p.m.
Beaverton High School - Tuesday, January 21, 6:30 p.m.
Mountainside High School - Monday, February 3, 6:30 p.m.
Southridge High School - Thursday, February 20, 6:30 p.m.
Sunset High School - Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 p.m.
Westview High School - Monday, March 17, 6:30 p.m.
For those who haven’t attended a Parent Party, it is a fun, laidback community-building and fundraising event. Each year, parents and friends of RP donate their time to host workshops and small gatherings. All of the funds raised go to support school programs funded by the PTO.
We’re excited to welcome the Scholastic Book Fair NEXT WEEK!
Set up is TODAY after school ( volunteer!)
Every class will have the opportunity to shop the book fair with their classes on Tuesday, November 12th or Wednesday, November 13th.
Shopping will also be available for families on Thursday from 8AM - 5PM for families to be able to shop during school conferences!
Clean up will happen on Thursday.
Send your student with cash or add funds via Scholastic’s eWallet for in-school shopping.
Volunteers will set up, help students shop, run the cash registers, and clean up. Our sign up slots are organized by class, too! ( volunteer!)
We are also including Teacher Wish Lists this year! Look for teacher’s photo and list when you walk in the library to purchase a book for your child’s class.
We want to give an extra big Tiger Roar to the Beaverton Rotary both for their financial support that will ensure that every Raleigh Park student will go home with a book and for their volunteer hours on Tuesday morning. If you see them in the building, please tell them Thank You!
This is the response I recieved after RP PTO Board Member Liz Terzo and I met with Dr. Balderas the previous Friday, June 1, 2024. He okayed the sharing of this with our broader community!
Read the letter sent to Superintendent Balderas, the Facilities Team, and our BSD School Board on Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Here’s what you can do to help save Raleigh Park Elementary school today.
What's presented by the Facilities Planning Committee recommendation in their May 1st meeting portrays schools as a one-dimensional statistic.
Our goal is to fill the room with support for Raleigh Park and our community schools and ask lots of really good questions.
Q&A with BSD Facilities Representative Steven Sparks
Tuesday, May 14
5:30PM at Raleigh Park
This week your student will be bringing home a JAT fundraising envelope, and there’s lots of details we wanted to break it all down here!
On May 13th we’re going to have a school wide Bike Rodeo hosted by Washco Bikes/Reborn Bikes/FB4K.
It’s a fun way for kids to learn/practice bike handling skills and basic safety info. Kids will run through some drills and obstacle courses in the RPES parking lot. It will include learning about the ABC Quickcheck, helmet fitting, and we will have enough loaner bikes for everyone to participate.
In addition to all the volunteer organizers putting on the Bike rode we’re looking for volunteers to help with setup and support during 75 minute shifts with the students.
When : Sunday, April 21, 1:00-4:00pm
What : Seed starting, native plant and pollinator info, work party in the RP sequoia grove
Where : The grove of trees near the swing set at Raleigh Park.
We will be working with the Treekeepers of Washington County to put in a bark chip pathway through the sequoia grove at RP.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up through Better Impact already. Volunteer roles are quickly filling up, so please look ASAP! Each volunteer gets a JAT t-shirt. Sizes are first come, first served.
Business sponsor dollars provide important funding for our programs including field trips, the school play, food security, and much more. Can your business or employer sponsor us?
A LOUD tiger roar for Portland General Construction, our first 2024 JogAThon Gold Sponsor!
This is a free event for the community and all are welcome!
We are starting a new committee focused on supporting student success in Reading and Math. We know RP can improve learning for our students and we’re investigating how we can do that. Email to get involved.